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Dog Nutritional services in Woking

Improve your dog's health and promote longevity

dog nutritionist in WOKING

Dietary Analysis

Starting from



Weight Loss

Starting from



Puppy Plans

Starting from



Food Allergies

Starting from


Dog eating a balanced healthy diet recommended by dog nuitritionist in Woking

Dog Nutrition

Give your dog the best diet!

The importance of a dog's daily diet is frequently over looked; however, dog nutrition is the foundation of what makes a dog. Much like humans a bad diet has a huge effect on behaviour, mood and health.


​A balanced diet is critically important to your dog’s cell maintenance and growth and overall health.


Good nutrition is about feeding your dog the building blocks and energy components that allow them to grow, develop to their potential and stay active throughout their lives. There are many ways to feed your dog and hundreds of diets to choose from.  Most people tend to use dry and canned dog food for convenience and cost. However, for owners who are open minded about their dog’s diet, there are alternatives to dry and canned dog food that may offer better nutrition for your particular dog. But for those who need the convenience of commercial dog food, unfortunately, with commendably distorted advertising along with laxed regulations, not all commercial dog foods are actually healthy for our canine friends. There are thousands of myths about what your dog can eat and what is healthy for them.


We can help you make the right choice for your dog whether it be commercial diets, or home made.


A change in a dogs diet can help behavioural issues the phrase "you are what you eat" is true for dogs to.



Did you know A change in diet can help with epilepsy in dogs? 

Talk to our Canine Nutritionist and Dog Trainer Today!

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